- Support local farmers- Cut carbon emissions by reducing farm to table distance
- Not modified- GMO free
- Synthetic pesticide free
- Sludge-based and petroleum fertilizer free
- Meat antibiotic and growth hormone free
- Livestock fed organic feed, no animal by-products
- Livestock given outdoor space
- Eat more nutrient-dense food- Avoid irradiation and wax coating
- When harvested before completely ripe and before traveling long distances, products undergo irradiation (radiation treatment that kills some germs but does not make up for bad sanitation) and are coated with wax to protect them
- Avoid foods (often bananas and mangos) that have been artificially ripened using ethylene or calcium carbide
- Avoid genetically modified foods- Know the ingredients in your food
- Pronounce the ingredients on your food (easily)
- Cook more often!
For more information:
on organic eating: http://www.helpguide.org/life/organic_foods_pesticides_gmo.htm
on seasonal eating: http://life.gaiam.com/article/benefits-eating-what-s-seasonn